How to Enclosed Auto Transport to Canada?
When moving to Canada using an Auto Transport service you will likely have your vehicle moved from one location to another using a car trailer. There are two different types of carriers though, the enclosed ones that offer added protection and the open-air trailers that can hold more autos at one time. The type that you go with depends on what you are looking for from the service, but generally, the open-air cost less while the closed one offers more protection.
Enjoy Added Protection
It doesn’t matter how long or short the trip is from your home to the destination in Canada, there are always things that can go wrong while hauling. That’s why it makes sense to invest in an enclosed trailer rather than spending the money on an open-air. These trailers offer a greater level of protection and can keep your valuables going for longer. With the small amount that you spend extra, you’ll enjoy peace of mind during your trip and you’ll be able to count on your car arriving in good shape.

Keep Vehicle Private
Whether you are worried about someone stealing your vehicle while it makes its journey, or you simply don’t want anyone looking at your car before it makes it to Canada, one real benefit of a service is that it will remain packed away and private until it arrives at the destination. That’s a major perk of using a trailer and it’s one of the reasons that some buyers decide to pay a bit more for the service.
Ideal for Valuable or Rare Ones
When you have an expensive auto that you want to protect or a vehicle that’s rare and difficult to repair or replace, it makes a lot of sense to spend a bit more money for trailer protection. The automobile won’t be exposed to sunlight, rain, and other weather conditions during the move, and it will be much better protected while traveling down the road. This is all-important for it's worth a lot and it’s a good extra expense to pay when caring for an above-average vehicle.

There is an Added Cost
Enclosed trailers don’t hold as many vehicles as open-air trailers do. That means that the company must make added trips to move all the autos that want a trailer service. For that reason, companies must charge more money to send cars using trailers than they do with open-air alternatives. If you want the added protection that this service offers, you’ll have to pay a bit more money to receive it. To some people money is a good investment, to others it isn’t. It’s up to you to decide which type of person you are.
A1-AT can schedule the safest delivery for your shipment. You can get a free quote by calling (888) 230-9116 or by filling out our no-obligation quote form today.