Relocating can be stressful especially when you have to take into consideration things like shipping cars to Central America or other international destinations. It is not an easy job to move cars and trucks and when you have to move from the USA to Central America, the cost can be astronomical. However, when you know how to choose a good company, the factors that affect the actual moving and the rates, you will be able to sail through it just fine & have a stress-free move.
Choosing a Good Company That Ships To Central America
Since the move is a big one, it is vital that you choose a good company which will deliver your car in the same condition that it was originally in. All companies will say that they are the best but the right way to determine is have a talk with them. A good and experienced company will be able to tell you about the ins and outs of moving and will also be able to advise you on how to move economically. As they have experience in moving, they should be able to tell you the best way to move your vehicle. Make sure that the company has a good track record and that they have good reviews written by previous customers.

Calculating Shipping Costs
Use an auto transport calculator which will be available in most moving websites and determine which company gives the most competitive rates for shipping cars to Central America. The general rule is that the more the distance the higher the rates and that is why when the destination is Central America, you can be sure that the price will be high. A calculator will ask for the following points to calculate the shipping costs, such as -:
- The pickup point in USA and the destination point in Central America – Transporting to popular destinations in Central America will be cheaper than remote and rural places.
- The type of car that is to be transported and details of the car – the volume is also important while calculating costs and so, a bigger car will cost more than a small one.
- The time of transportation – transporting during winter months will be cheaper as business is slow then. Most people prefer to transport during warmer and milder weather conditions. However, you can also opt for an enclosed vehicle which will work out to be more expensive than the usual open air carrier.

Curtailing Shipping Costs
When you are shipping cars to Central America, you can be sure that the bill will be a big one but there are certain things that you can do to cut costs.
- Cutting the distance – you can cut the distance by driving part of the way and then having the car picked up and dropped off at terminals which will be cheaper.
- Choosing open-air transportation – these carriers are cheaper than enclosed carriers and when you have the option of choosing open air carriers, go for it.
- Insurance – choose your insurance wisely and opt out of getting unnecessary insurance packages.
Things to Remember
As the move is a major one, there are certain things that you must keep in mind during the move.
- Make sure that the Title of Ownership does not have any liens.
- Carry the Bill of Sale also along with you.
- Be prepared to pay taxes in the destination country. Check with the local import offices about the kind and amount of taxes that you will be required to pay.