Car Shipping Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam’s largest city and the larger Metropolitan area consists of this city and other towns, with over 10 million people inhabiting the region. It is located about 1000 miles from Hanoi and is on the south eastern Vietnam.
If you have moved here or plan on relocating here from USA, you might need to have your personal vehicle to bypass the currency and language barriers apart from being independent. Thus, plan on importing your vehicle along with your other household goods, if you are moving permanently or just get your vehicle here even if you are here for a shorter duration.
With proper law and regulations in place, shipping your car to Ho Chi Minh City isn’t as difficult as you might be thinking. However, it certainly helps to have an informative and knowledgeable auto shipping company by your side. That is why A1 Auto Transport service steps in to assist you through the different procedures and permits. There are plenty of documents to submit, customs duties to clear and logistics to look after.
Specific motor vehicle laws and requirements
When you import your vehicle to Ho Chi Minh City, you need to ensure that the vehicle has been registered in your name for 6 months (minimum) and has driven over 10,000 km before it can be shipped. You need to ensure that the vehicle is 5 years or less while you need to consider that there is nearly 100% duty on all imported vehicles. Only left hand drive is allowed within the country.
One of the key aspects that deserve mention is that the vehicle can only be imported if you are the original owner and if the vehicle has changed ownership or you bought a used vehicle, it cannot be imported to Vietnam. Only diplomats are eligible to import the vehicles duty-free. For a faster delivery and import, start the process before you move from USA.
Documents and paperwork to submit
To verify the ownership and adhere to the requirements, there is plenty of documentation that has to be submitted. This includes:

- Driving license/passport.
- Bill of sale with all the details.
- Title deed and registration.
- Insurance certificate.
- Ocean Bill of Lading.
- Import permits.
Freight shipment options
The total cost of importing the vehicle depends upon a variety of factors like the size, weight, age, make and model of the vehicle and the method of shipment that you select. Thus, consider your budget and then select the mode of shipment. This includes:
RORO: This is the cheapest way to ship as you are allowed to ship only an empty vehicle. Only car jack, floor mats, spare keys and an extra tire are allowed within the vehicle, rest of it has to be emptied. You are required to remove the air conditioning gas, leave a quarter tank of fuel and get the vehicle steam cleaned before shipping from USA. The vehicle is secured on the deck after it is driven up the ramps and harnessed on the deck. It is good if you are on a budget or only have a standard vehicle to ship as it is exposed to the ravages of the weather.

Enclosed container shipping: This is another common but more expensive to hip your vehicle. The car is put within a 20 feet or 40 feet container and closed and sealed. You have the option of putting your household goods alongside in the remaining space. This option offers higher security and protection as everything is closed inside.
If you have questions or require more information about shipping laws, contact the Embassy of Vietnam today.