As the second most populated area in Kentucky, Lexington has a lot of activities for everyone to enjoy. Motorcyclists are particularly fond of the area due to the many scenic routes and biker activities throughout the city. With its small town feel and beautiful Victorian Square, having a motorcycle in the city of Lexington is definitely worth having it shipped.
Motorcycle transport can be done with the help of a dependable and trustworthy shipping company. To find the right company, call around, ask friends in Lexington, do Internet research. Often times, a company will have customer reviews and ratings on their website. Read over these comments. They will help you get a better feel for how the transport company treats their customers and their possessions being shipped.
Lexington, KY Motorcycle Shipping Pricing & Time To Ship Examples
To / From Lexington, KY | Distance | Cost | Estimated Time In Transit |
Lexington, KY to Birmingham, AL | 405 miles | $162 | 3 - 5 days |
McKinley, MN to Lexington, KY | 908 miles | $363 | 3 - 5 days |
Lexington, KY to Des Moines, IA | 668 miles | $267 | 3 - 5 days |
Rochester, MN to Lexington, KY | 723 miles | $289 | 3 - 5 days |
Lexington, KY to Woodburn, OR | 2405 miles | $962 | 6 - 8 days |
Jasper, GA to Lexington, KY | 317 miles | $126 | 3 - 5 days |
Lexington, KY to Springfield, MA | 883 miles | $353 | 3 - 5 days |
Baton Rouge, LA to Lexington, KY | 802 miles | $320 | 3 - 5 days |
Lexington, KY to Oxnard, CA | 2214 miles | $885 | 6 - 8 days |
Huntsville, AL to Lexington, KY | 323 miles | $129 | 3 - 5 days |
*Prices and times are estimated. They can vary depending on the season and what type of vehicle you are shipping.
What Are the Options I have for Shipping My Motorcycle to Lexington?
When it comes to shipping your motorcycle across state lines to Kentucky, there are several methods one might choose from. All of these are safe options, especially in comparison to riding the bike there yourself. The prices will vary seeing as some of the transport methods are considered to be safer than others. If the company offers insurance during the motorcycle's transport, you might want to take advantage of the extra purchase.
- Crated Shipping- This method requires the bike to be drained of all fluids. The battery must be disconnected and sometimes the handlebars and mirrors will need to be removed. The bike is then strapped to a wooden pallet and placed inside an enclosed container.
- Enclosed Shipping- The bike is placed inside a trailer.
- Open Air Shipping- The motorcycle is placed on top of a flatbed trailer which could leave it open to the possibility of poor road or weather conditions.
- Terminal to Terminal- The motorcycle will need to be dropped off at a shipping terminal and retrieved at another one closer to Lexington.
- Door to Door- The company will come pick the motorcycle up from wherever it is stored, then take it to the destination in Lexington in which you specified.

Relevant Statistics
- Lexington is home to more than 10 motorcycle shipping companies.
- Over 95% of motorcycles shipped from Lexington arrive at their destination safely.
- The average cost of shipping a motorcycle from Lexington is $600.
- Around 8,000 motorcycles are shipped in and out of Lexington each year.
- Motorcycle shipping services in Lexington have a customer satisfaction rate of over 90%.
General Facts
- Motorcycle shipping is a service that transports motorcycles from one location to another.
- Lexington is a city in Kentucky, known for its vibrant motorcycle culture.
- Motorcycle shipping options in Lexington include both open and enclosed transport methods.
- Professional motorcycle shipping companies provide secure and insured transportation for motorcycles.
- By using a motorcycle shipping service, individuals can conveniently and safely transport their motorcycles across long distances or for various purposes such as relocation or vacations.
Transport Companies to Consider.
Premier Towing and Auto Transport
790 Westland Dr.
Lexington, KY 40504.
(859) 260-1366.
Scott's Auto Transport & Car Shipping Service of Lexington, KY
200 W. Vine St.
Lexington, KY 40507.
(606) 669-4402.
Caton Trucking
313 Hudson Rd.
Harrodsburg, KY 40330.
(859) 734-2965.

Neighborhood Areas We Serve
Our auto transport services are proud to help with your move in any of the neighborhoods you see below. And if you don't see your neighborhood listed here, don't worry because we can most likely service it.
Aintree | Gainesway | Pickway |
Andover Club Villas | Garden Meadows | Pine Meadows |
Andover Estates | Garden Springs | Pinecrest |
Andover Forest | Gatewood | Pinehurst |
Andover Hills | Glasford | Plantation |
Andover Village | Glen Creek | Pleasant Point |
Arbor | Glendover | Prestwick |
Arcadia Park | Gleneagles | Rabbit Run |
Ashbrooke | Glens at Greendale Village | Radcliffe |
Ashford Oaks | Grasmere | Raven Creek |
Ashland Park | Great Acres | Rebel Heights |
Ashmoor | Greendale | Red Mile |
Athens | Griffin Gate | Redcoach |
Autumn Ridge | Groves Point | Regency Pointe |
Bainbridge | Hamburg | Reserve at Greenbrier |
Bainbridge Place | Harrods Hill | River Park |
Beaumont | Harrods Point | Robinwood |
Beaumont Enclave | Harrods View | Roman Soldier |
Beaumont Park Townhomes | Harrodsburg Square | Rookwood |
Beaumont Point | Hartland | Rosemont |
Beaumont Reserve | Hartland Executive | Saddle Club |
Bel Mar | Hartland Gardens | Saddlecreek Estates |
Bell Court | Hartland Parkside | Sahalee |
Belleau Wood | Hartland Woods | Sanders Crossing |
Belmont Farms | Heatherwood | SE Hills |
Blackford Oak Place | Henderson Landing | Seven Parks |
Blueberry Hill | Henry Clay | Shadeland |
Bluegrass Wilkes | Heritage Place | Shadow Wood |
Boston Woods | Hi Acres | Shady Hills |
Breckinridge | Hidden Lake | Skycrest |
Briar Hill | Hidden Springs | South Hill |
Brigadoon | High Plain | Southland |
Brighton East | High Point | Southpoint |
Brighton Woods | Highland Lakes | Spindletop |
Broadview | Highlands | Springlake |
Brookmonte Est | Highlawn | Squire Acres |
Bryant Oak Place | Holiday Hills | Squire Oak |
Camelot | Hunting Hills | Squire Woods |
Campus View | Idle Hour | Stoneleigh |
Canterfield | Kearney Hall | Stonewall |
Cardinal Valley | Kenawood | Stoneybrook |
Carolina Place | Killington | Summerfield |
Carriage Lane | Kingston | Sunset Estate |
Castlegate | Kirklevington | Tabor Oaks |
Castlewood Park | Lafayette | Taborlake |
Cave Hill | Lake Crossing | Tahoma Terrace |
Centercourt | Lakeshore | Tanbark |
Century Hill | Lakeside | Tateswood |
Charleston Garden | Laketower | Terrace View |
Charleston Woods | Lakeview | The Colony |
Chatham Village | Lakeview-Mt Tabor | The Enclave |
Chelsea Woods | Lakewood | The Grange |
Chevy Chase | Lancaster Woods | The Home Place |
Chilesburg | Lans-Merik | The Island |
Citation Pointe | Lans-Shadeland | The Lakes Edge |
Clemens Heights | Lansdowne | The Lane |
Coldstream Station | Lansdowne Heights | The Oaks |
Columbia Heights | Leesway | The Reserve at Newtown Springs |
Copperfield | Lex Manor | The Shetlands |
Copperfield Square | Liberty Crossing | The Tradition |
Cove Lake | Liberty Heights | The Vineyard |
Coventry | Liberty Hill | The Woods |
Creekside at Andover | Liberty Woods | Thoroughbred Acres |
Crestwood | Longleaf Place | Timber Creek |
Cumberland | Magnolia Run | Todds Station |
Danby Corners | Manowar Village | Townley Park |
Darby Creek | Marlboro | Tracery Oaks |
Deep Springs | Masterson | Turkeyfoot |
Deepwood | McConnell Trace | Twin Oaks |
Derby Estates | McMeekin | UK Campus |
Devondale | Meadow Creek | Village at Tates Creek |
Dixie Plantation | Meadowthorpe | Wagon Wheel |
Dogwood Glen | Melody Village | Walden Grove |
Dogwood Hills | Melrose | Walnut Creek |
Dogwood Trace | Montclair | Walnut Grove Estates |
Douglas Heights | Monticello | Walnut Hill Club |
Dove Creek | Moreland | Warfield Bell |
Downing Place | Mt Tabor Heights | Warrenton Woods |
Downtown | Mt Vernon | Waveland Estates |
East Hills | N Broadway | Wellington |
East Lake | Newtown Springs | West Wind |
Eastbrook | North Point | Westmorland |
Eastland | Northland | Westwood |
Eastwood | Northwood | Williamsburg Estates |
Edgewater | Oakwood | Willow Bend |
Ellerslie at Delong | Old Paris Place | Willow Glen |
Emerson Woods | Olde Bridge | Willow Oak |
Enclave at Chilesburg | Open Gates | Winburn Estates |
Equestrian View | Palomar | Woodfield |
Fairhaven | Palomar Glade | Woodhill |
Fairway | Palomar Reserve | Woodland Park |
Fairways at Andover | Palomar Trace | Woodward Heights |
Fairways at Lakeside | Park Hills | Wyndham Down |
Fayette Park | Park Place | Wyndham Hills |
Firebrook | Parkside at Masterso | Wyndham Meadows |
Forest Hill | Patchen Wilkes | Wyndham Ridge |
Forest Ridge | Penmoken | Wyndham Woods |
Four Pines | Pera Place | Zandale |
Includes ZIP codes
40502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4506, 4507, 4508, 4509, 4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4514, 4515, 4516, 4517, 40522, 4523, 4524, 40526, 40533